Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose by Hilary Thomson

'Our Purpose is to make this place a little more worthy of the souls that inabit it.' Tara Mohr

What’s my life purpose? What’s your life purpose? In this session, we are going to look at one of the most important aspects for a fulfilled human being...our purpose, and how we can all start living lives with more purpose right now.

In the years that I have been working around personal development, conversations about purpose often come up – people want to clarify a sense of their purpose, or find some sense of purpose when they feel empty or aimless.

We can all distract ourselves with meaningless purpose with a myriad of little tasks and goals that we set ourselves, maybe just because that seems to be what other people are doing. But what if we stopped for a moment and gave ourselves the space to really question what our individual purpose is in life and how do we know when we have found it? Well, it will not find you, you have to find IT. But make sure your purpose is right for you and not what others want you to be or do. This doesn’t exclude others, in fact...

Let’s look for a moment at a more foundational sense of our purpose: that it’s simply to show up for our days, to the people we encounter and the needs that cross our path, with as much love and service as we can. So, if you have been feeling that you have no purpose or have lost your purpose then don’t worry, we all have this purpose in life just by being human and being around others.

But I do understand that, that is not always enough. It is just one aspect of our purpose. So let’s look a little deeper and start to find the essence of your purpose in life. It involves passion and persistence. These two hold us to our purpose, help us find it and keep going when the going gets tough. 

We often don’t have one purpose in life and we may shift our purpose as we grow, change and travel through life. So the beauty is that we can change, develop and ask ourselves what is my purpose right now? It stops us getting stuck. 

Finding your Purpose involves movement, change and adaptability. Many people who come on the Field of Dreams Course feel that they have lost their purpose. They want to find a new purpose for the next stage of their lives, one that is authentic to them. It is not an easy path to find and often involves leaving behind all that has gone before in order to reinvent yourself more authentically. The path ahead may be unclear for awhile but working with Hilary will help to not only keep you going through this time of confusion and transition but to help move the fog away and find that new horizon in life.

Hilary will be running this session on September 29th 7pm – 9pm on zoom. If you would like to join this session, message Hilary either through the Field of Dreams facebook page

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