Permission to be daft! Last nights Creative lab session ‘Shape and Colour’ allowed us to spend a couple of hours listening to music, having fun, creating crazy art and even crazier stories to go with them. We connected with each other and gave ourselves permission to be daft. We had such a joyous experience, with laughter and smiles and full of surprises. So what was involved, you may ask? Spontaneous art making to a range of music, story making, playing with words and images that sparked memories and running around our houses finding objects. And the result? creative team work involving a ceramic cauliflower sheep, the portrait of a murderer, a sea witch, a tin of teeth, and a toilet cistern. I kid you not. You couldn’t make it up, but we did exactly that, with joy and laughter. No one had to be a master storyteller or a fine artist but just as a single musical note becomes a symphony when put together with other notes so our creative team found that each persons small contribution ad...